Tickets for Cell Phone Use While Driving Reach Record Number

Posted on November 10, 2011

According to several news reports from Chicago, there has been a significant increase on tickets issued to drivers who used their cell phones while driving. Last year was a record year for the city, which has never seen as many distracted driving tickets being written as they were in the year of 2010. According to City reports, the revenue reached $2 million.

Since the law took effect in 2006, the city has turned aggressive in issuing violations to motorists talking over the phone while driving without a hands-free device. The number of tickets issued increased a staggering 73 percent. The increase in the fine (from $50 to $500) has played a major role in the great amount of revenue coming from phone usage tickets issued in the year of 2010.

According to a city spokesperson, the number of tickets being issued has nothing to do with revenues but with a more focused authority supervising the traffic.

As a Los Angeles car accident lawyer I understand that a great number of car accidents are related to distracted driving. The fatalities related to such accidents must be a thing from the past since they are entirely preventable. If you or a loved one has ever been a victim of an accident caused by a distracted driver, do not delay in contacting your personal injury attorney.


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